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 Post subject: Brownback is dismantling and defunding Public Education
PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:00 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
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Exposing Brownback Agenda to Defund and Dismantle Public Ed ... 23651.html

That's what is going on in Topeka as we speak Brownback is moving his people to key positions that will
legally allow him to do whatever the hell he wants to do.

What he wants to do is allow people who own chains of schools elsewhere to come into Kansas and takeover.

Wal-Mart and Koch are big players in owning schools and what gets taught. People say this cannot happen however
it is happening as we speak.

Koch and Walton money have been buying elected positions throughout the country by way of campaign donations.
They are buying positions on city councils and local boards of education throughout the country as well.

All this right wing movement needs is their people hiding behind a GOP banner to get elected.

This consulting firm plans to handpick local, state, and federal candidates who share the Kochs' free-market, limited-government agenda, and groom them to win elections. ... -strategic

Exposing Brownback Agenda to Defund and Dismantle Public Ed ... 23651.html

Last edited by Merrill on Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Don't let the ALEC right wing steal our public schools
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:51 am 

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State Should NOT Support ALEC Defunding Public Education ... ures#Voter

Vouchers are a vehicle to funnel tax dollars into private schools. Using the false promise of “choice,” they are an unabashed abandonment of public education and of our hopes for a vibrant democracy.

Exposing Brownback Agenda to Defund and Dismantle Public Ed ... 23651.html

--- United States of ALEC ... _alec_bill

Last edited by Merrill on Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: State Should NOT Support ALEC Defunding Public Education
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:56 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
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Taxpayer should want more tax dollars spent on public education because it brings our tax dollars home….. which are spent in many many many local economies.

Why do GOP elected officials want to destroy public education… intentionally?

Public education has for decades and decades been one of the government success stories in reality a best bang for the tax buck.

Thousands of public school teachers throughout Kansas could receive pink slips. Think what impact that would have on local economies.

Thousands of public school teachers throughout Kansas could receive pink slips. Think what impact that would have on the real estate industry and home sales.

Thousands of public school teachers throughout Kansas could receive pink slips. Think what impact that would have on property values after the economy goes down the tubes one more time at the direction of the GOP one more time.

Thousands of public school teachers throughout Kansas could receive pink slips. Think what impact that would have on home loan bankruptcy activity.

Thousands of public school teachers throughout Kansas could receive pink slips. Think what impact that would have on car sales.

Thousands of public school teachers throughout Kansas could receive pink slips. Think what impact that would have on local sales taxes.

Thousands of public school teachers throughout Kansas could receive pink slips. Think what impact that would have on local carpenters,plumbers,painters,landscape maintenance crews and such.

Thousands of public school teachers throughout Kansas could receive pink slips. Think what impact that would have on the overall quality of life in the state of Kansas thanks to the GOP one more time.

Taxpayer should want more tax dollars spent on public education because it brings our tax dollars home….. which are spent in many many many local economies.

 Post subject: Re: State Should NOT Support ALEC Defunding Public Education
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:00 am 

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Teachers are fighting back - Telling the Waltons "Leave Public Education Alone"

No to Walmart-Style Classrooms !!!!

Dear Walmart Owner Rob Walton:

I’m standing with teachers to call on your family to immediately stop funding attempts to close our schools and take much needed funding from public education.

Why to Act Now:
We all know that Walmart has a bad reputation when it comes to the treatment of their workers. What you may not know is that the Walton family, who owns Walmart, is also trying to spread the Walmart business model to our classrooms.

Through their family foundation, the Waltons have spent more than $1 billion to support the privatization of our public schools. They’ve funded an aggressive corporate education agenda that has resulted in mass school closures and moving our public education tax dollars to for-profit schools. Most troublesome, the Waltons often seek to close schools in the very same low-income communities of color where their workers reside.

Now, teachers are fighting back. Across the country, educators have started to speak out against Walton-funded school closures. One Philadelphia school teacher even launched a petition calling on his peers to shop elsewhere until the Waltons change their way.

As community members, we need to support teachers who are bravely speaking out for the future of our schools and our children. Sign this petition to call for an end to the Walmartization of education!

From dozens of school closures to fighting against universal pre-K, the Walton family is using its massive Walmart fortune to undermine our public schools. We know that poverty is one of the biggest factors affecting student achievement. As owners of the largest private employer in America, the Waltons have the opportunity to single handedly raise hundreds of thousands of moms and dads out of poverty. Instead, they not only actively work against our nation’s public education system, but continue to contribute to the economic insecurity that keeps so many kids from getting the education they need and deserve.

Sign The Petition: ... classrooms

 Post subject: Re: State Should NOT Support ALEC Defunding Public Education
PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:17 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
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If the ALEC GOP overthrows local school boards,state education departments, takes over state legislatures ,congress and the white house they own the government. What would stop them from taking over the entire educational system in America?

Beware: ... classrooms

 Post subject: Re: State Should NOT Support ALEC Defunding Public Education
PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:46 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
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Nearly 50 years ago, with Martin Luther King Jr. standing beside him, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law to protect African-Americans and other minorities from racist policies that made it harder for them to register to vote and participate in the political process.

But last summer, the right-wing ideologues on the United States Supreme Court handed down a shameful decision that gutted the Voting Rights Act, ending 40 years of protection for minorities against discriminatory and unfair attempts to limit voting based on one's race.1

Fortunately, Representatives John Conyers, John Lewis and others have now introduced legislation that would restore and modernize the Voting Rights Act for the 21st century.

We need to stop Republicans in states around the country from enacting racist voter ID and voter suppression laws. Passing the Voting Rights Amendment Act now is the best way to do it.

Tell Congress: Restore the Voting Rights Act now. ... 330.RnT3Z4

 Post subject: Re: State Should NOT Support ALEC Defunding Public Education
PostPosted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 9:13 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
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How is it that politicians can decide NOT to fund public education according to a formula which is still the law and violates the state constitution?

“Since the obligations here declared emanate from our Kansas Constitution, avoidance is not an option.”

It seems to me the formula should be and should have been honored until such time that all legal challenges were satisfied.

The reduction does NOT take place simply because a group of politicians decide it is so. The original formula should remain locked in place.

The original formula is still in place. Nothing has changed. So how does the GOP get away with not funding public education according to the formula because they do not want to?

No court has approved not funding public education according to the formula.

Kansas School Funding

The GOP Kansas legislators owe our public education system at least one billion $$$$$$ in back taxes. Pay up.

Last edited by Merrill on Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: State Should NOT Support ALEC Defunding Public Education
PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:08 am 

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ALEC Meets to Map Out Anti-Education Strategy - ... -strategy/

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) will meet December 4-6 in Washington, DC. The gathering provides an opportunity to call attention to the harmful policies that are being authored and promoted by ALEC in New Hampshire—from the privatization of public education to voter suppression and attacks on collective bargaining.

For decades—and in states throughout the nation—ALEC has used corporate donations to influence local and state laws. Through their extensive network, and relationships with elected officials, ALEC provides model legislation for a variety of policy areas. Their aim is clear and their formula is simple: Defund, deregulate, privatize, and profit. In recent years ALEC has aggressively pursued an education agenda which puts kids last. And they have kept communities from having real conversations about effective education reform.

This week, ALEC members will meet in Washington, DC, to decide which corporate-backed bills they should be taken to their respective statehouses. In response, labor, faith, social justice and environmental activists throughout the region will protest on Thursday, December 5.

ALEC’s plans include undermining public education, lining the pockets of for-profit school companies and a variety of anti-worker and anti-labor initiatives.

Recent PRWatch and Progress Now reports detail the impact of ALEC on public education. In addition, has launched a petition telling ALEC to Stop Cashing in on Kids.

The Guardian has uncovered internal ALEC documents and is publishing them here. The documents, prepared for its most recent annual board meeting in Chicago in August, cast light on the inner workings of the group.

The Guardian reports that the documents show that: ... -strategy/

• ALEC has set up a separate sister group called the “Jeffersonian Project” amid concerns over possible government inquiries into whether its activities constitute lobbying – which would threaten its tax-exempt status.

• The network has suffered a decline in its membership among state-based Republicans and among big corporations following the Trayvon Martin controversy;

• Its income raised from conferences, membership fees and donations has fallen short, leaving the group with a potential funding crisis;

• A draft agreement prepared for the board meeting proposed that Alec’s chairs in each of the 50 states, who are drawn from senior legislators, should be required to put the interests of the organization first, thus setting up a possible conflict of interest with the voters who elected them;

• ALEC is also considered extending its remit to include the gambling industry, particularly online gambling, as a possible source of new members and revenue.

ALEC’s track record on education policy is driven by what’s best for corporations and CEOs—not what’s best for kids. ALEC’s education agenda is anti-public education. ... -strategy/

Instead of working with educators and parents to understand the type of reforms that will actually help our children, ALEC partners with politicians, CEOs and outside special interest groups whose members think they know— without spending any time in a classroom—how to fix our schools, and who are more focused on the bottom line than our children’s future. Our kids deserve education policy that puts them first. ALEC works with politicians like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and right-wing funders to advance an agenda that is anti-public education.

As a result, ALEC’s education policy has more to do with privatization, profit incentives and other political priorities than it does with educating our children.

ALEC is determined to weaken unions and defund public education. In addition to promoting bad education policy, ALEC is playing the long game by also focusing on how to limit or eliminate collective bargaining. This not only silences educator voices when it comes to developing education policy, but it weakens our ability to hold politicians accountable on public education.

ALEC’s education policies are not based on research, educator experience or proven reforms. Privatization is top on their list and it comes in many forms—parent trigger, vouchers and education tax credits, and corporate cyber schools. But parents and communities get it. For instance, Florida, parent groups led the defeat of the “parent trigger” bill.

NEA’s education agenda puts students at the center of reform. We believe we need to invest in the classroom priorities that build the foundation for student learning. This includes: smaller classes; early childhood education; up-to-date textbooks and computers; a well-rounded education that includes the arts, music and PE; safe and supportive learning environments; greater focus on preparing, mentoring and supporting new teachers; more relevant training for educators; and reliable evaluation systems that actually measure teacher effectiveness NEA continues to support investments

ALEC’s agenda stretches far beyond education. Regardless of your approach to reform, if you believe in making positive change for our schools, our children and our communities then it’s impossible to support ALEC. For example, you can’t denounce ALEC on voting rights and not denounce them on their education policies—it’s all part of a broader package.

We must have the important and hard discussions about public education and education reform, but these discussions should not happen inside ALEC’s frame. Instead, we must address issues like inequity in funding and how to best improve educational outcomes for kids. Important articles to help you better understand ALEC’s motives and current agenda appear below: ... -strategy/

 Post subject: Re: State Should NOT Support ALEC Defunding Public Education
PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:51 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:38 pm
Posts: 128
My birthday is December 23rd, 1969, which makes my astrological sign Capricorn: Practical and prudent. Ambitious and disciplined. Patient and careful. Humorous and reserved. On the dark side....Pessimistic and fatalistic. And my Chinese Zodiac sign is the Cock (tee hee): Pioneer in spirit, you are devoted to your work and quest after knowledge. You are selfish and eccentric. Rabbits are trouble. Snakes and Oxen are fine. So, there ya go.

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 Post subject: Re: Taxpayers Should NOT Support Brownback Defunding Public Educ
PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:19 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
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Any change in public education funding should be approved by the voting taxpayers aka the largest group of public education stakeholders.

Our school funding dollars and the mechanism by which the money is raised should NEVER be left solely to a group of politicians. The tax dollars are OURS TO SPEND and the public schools are OURS TO OWN AND MAINTAIN.

The fiscally reckless conservatives have taught most all school districts that cutting funding will not improve the prospects for students. In fact we are leaning how detrimental reckless budget cuts damage a school district.

For certain these budget cuts have NOT improved the numbers of high school graduates.

25 years of politicians cutting budgets to public education demonstrate a monumental failure by politicians.
Dumb as fence posts.

Exposing Brownback Agenda to Defund and Dismantle Public Ed ... 23651.html

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