How would you like to earn cash working part time grilling meat and drinking beer? It may sound too good to be true, but it is not. ManCave Worldwide is a 2 year old company and the first ever party concept aimed at guys and what they love. BBQ....Beer...and hanging out with the guys. Girls have their parties and buy purses, candles and jewelry. At our parties, we bring over $200 worth of meat, beer and prizes and have one helluva good time. We feed about 20 guys and bring beer. We play some games and give out prizes. Then we hand out our catalogs and take the guys' orders. It is that simple. As a rep, you will find guys to host this awesome party. They get free stuff and you get paid.
If you would like to find out more information about becoming a rep, or would just like to host one of these awesome parties, give me a call.
Find out more info by visiting one of my sites:
http://www.grillingparties.comhttp://grillingparties.mancaveworldwide.com call Jason at (662) Man-Cave