srvfantexasflood wrote:
Just before Thanksgiving, I heard a segment on NPR about a cranberry recipe. It's called Mother Stamford's cranberries or something like that. Has anyone tried this? As I remember the recipe called for 2 cups of fresh cranberries, one small onion, sour cream, 2 T horseradish and 1/2 cup of sugar. This goes in a food processor and then to the freezer. You are supposed to serve it with a few ice crystals remaining in the relish. I just wondered if it is as wonderful as they made it sound on NPR.
I haven't tried it but it sounds interesting. I've never thought about putting onion in with something like that.
I did find the NPR segment you heard it on. you supposed to eat it like a cranberry salad or is it to put on stuff like a condiment?