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 Post subject: "The People's Budget" only responsible budget anywhere
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:04 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
Posts: 5796
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Voting AGAINST the right wing GOP is voting for democracy, voting for a chance to reestablish America as the place for good wages and VOTING FOR bringing back
women's right to choose as well as VOTING FOR women's right to equal wages.

Vote Democrat or Green Party !!

See the best budget for economic growth and rights for all below….


Last edited by Merrill on Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:44 am, edited 5 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: The People's Budget is on the table as of now
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:42 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
Posts: 5796
Location: Here
The Congressional Progressive Caucus People's Budget proposal is gaining some big-time momentum, but we need to up the ante even further if we're going to get this the mainstream attention it deserves.

A 2015 -2016 People's Budget proposal NEEDS big-time momentum to get the mainstream attention it deserves. Jobs, stopping the trillion $$$ wars, protecting public education and dumping tax dollar
loopholes are among the necessities to change our government

This is the only budget that does everything this country needs:

* Creates good-paying jobs
* Fully maintains our social safety net
* Invests in education
* Ends our costly wars
* Closes the tax loopholes that have made offshoring jobs profitable
* Ends oil and gas subsidies that pollute our country at taxpayer expense
* Creates a national infrastructure investment bank to help us make intelligent investments for the future

This budget represents the future we believe in as Americans, and the CPC really needs our support to keep it on the front burner. Please call your member of Congress, now. The debate and vote on The People's Budget is scheduled to take place early Friday morning.

This is one of those occasions we all hope we'll live to see: We really can make a difference right now if we speak up loudly with one voice.

The People's Budget represents not just common sense; it represents the will of the American people. Click here to take action.

The People's Budget is getting mainstream attention, but it won't hold that attention unless we speak up about how important our values really are. These aren't just words on a page or numbers in a table—these dollars and cents mean lives helped or hurt, people succeeding or falling by the wayside, and families lifted up or dragged down. This is about America.

Please speak up for the America you believe in—take action now! ... d=41361501

Last edited by Merrill on Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:40 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: The People's Budget is on the table as of now
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:48 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
Posts: 5796
Location: Here
Are YOU registered to vote?

If not please do so. If so check YOUR voting status frequently as Sam Brownback and Kris Kobach may have removed
YOUR name from the voting rolls. Yes it can happen to you.

It did happen to a former congressional speaker of the house who is a democrat.


Last edited by Merrill on Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:42 am, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: What The People's Budget Specifically Seeks to Accomplish
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:34 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:36 pm
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Location: Lawrence, KS
Is the People's budget anything like the People's Elbow?

"Some people have a way with words. Others...don't have way." - Steve Martin

 Post subject: Re: What The People's Budget Specifically Seeks to Accomplish
PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:49 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:33 pm
Posts: 1170
Or is it more like ?

 Post subject: Re: What The People's Budget Specifically Seeks to Accomplish
PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 10:09 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
Posts: 5796
Location: Here ... ntree=5,70

Read The Technical Analysis and Working Paper

The CPC proposal:
• Eliminates the deficits and creates a surplus by 2021
• Puts America back to work with a “Make it in America” jobs program
• Protects the social safety net
• Ends the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq
• Is FAIR (Fixing America’s Inequality Responsibly)

What the proposal accomplishes:
• Primary budget balance by 2014.
• Budget surplus by 2021.
• Reduces public debt as a share of GDP to 64.1% by 2021, down 16.5 percentage points from
a baseline fully adjusted for both the doc fix and the AMT patch.
• Reduces deficits by $5.6 trillion over 2012-21, relative to this adjusted baseline.
• Outlays equal to 22.2% of GDP and revenue equal 22.3% of GDP by 2021.

Support for the People's Budget

Paul Krugman

Jeffrey Sachs

The Economist

The New Republic

The Washington Post

The Guardian

The Nation

Center for American Progress

Economic Policy Institute ... ntree=5,70

 Post subject: Re: What The People's Budget Specifically Seeks to Accomplish
PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2011 8:44 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
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MATT MILLER had a modest meltdown in the Washington Post on Wednesday over the fact that Republicans are refusing to raise the national debt ceiling even though their own budget raises the national debt by $6 trillion over the next decade, and no one in the national press corps seems to be pointing out the contradiction.

(Mr Miller says he considered making a column out of repeating the sentence "The House Republican budget adds $6 trillion to the debt in the next decade yet the GOP is balking at raising the debt limit.") Bob Somerby (h/t Kevin Drum) says the explanation for the press's failure to call Republicans on this is right there in Mr Miller's own column:

He says there’s a “meme,” a hunk of “conventional wisdom,” driving the press corps’ conduct. Miller doesn’t explain just what this “meme” is, nor does he explain how it got “established” as conventional wisdom. But presumably, he is referring to the Standard Press Novel in which Republican budget cutters like Ryan are inevitably said to be “courageous,” “bold” and “honest”.

Is this right? Well, here's a test case. Mr Miller's column notes that "the Congressional Progressive Caucus plan wins the fiscal responsibility derby thus far; it reaches balance by 2021 largely through assorted tax hikes and defense cuts." Which is pretty interesting. Have you ever heard of the Congressional Progressive Caucus budget plan? Neither had I. The caucus's co-chairs, Raul Grijalva of Arizona and Keith Ellison of Minnesota, released it on April 6th.

The budget savings come from defence cuts, including immediately withdrawing from Afghanistan and Iraq, which saves $1.6 trillion over the CBO baseline from 2012-2021. The tax hikes include restoring the estate tax, ending the Bush tax cuts, and adding new tax brackets for the extremely rich, running from 45% on income over a million a year to 49% on income over a billion a year.

Mr Ryan's plan adds (by its own claims) $6 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, but promises to balance the budget by sometime in the 2030s by cutting programs for the poor and the elderly.

The Economist

 Post subject: Re: What The People's Budget Specifically Seeks to Accomplish
PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:17 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
Posts: 5796
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The only responsible budget in town

Matt Miller had another fine column in the Washington Post yesterday, of which several paragraphs are worthy of our attention:

Remember that great scene in the 1980 film classic, "The Shining," when the wife comes upon the typewriter of the Jack Nicholson character, who's supposed to have been working night and day for months on his novel? To her horror, she finds thousands of pages on which Jack has typed, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," formatted in countless, crazy ways. Suddenly his suspected madness becomes all too frighteningly real.

Well, debt limit mania has driven me to a similar frenzied state. If my wife came across my manuscript it would read, "The House Republican budget adds $6 trillion to the debt in the next decade yet the GOP is balking at raising the debt limit. The House Republican budget adds $6 trillion to the debt in the next decade yet the GOP is balking at raising the debt limit."...

...It's amazing how some memes, once established as conventional wisdom, are almost impossible to dislodge, however at odds they are with the facts. Griping about this to a Prominent Media Figure the other day, I suggested that maybe if I set myself on fire in Times Square while spouting the truth about Republican debt, the truth would break through.

"Maybe," he said. "But then you'd be seen as the radical."

The classic definition of chutzpah was a kid who kills his parents and then asks for the mercy of the court because he's an orphan. The new definition of chutzpah is Republicans who vote for the Ryan plan that adds trillions in debt and who then say the debt limit goes up only over their dead bodies!

That's $600 billion of debt every year. It would increase the current debt limit, about which Republicans are howling, by about half again the current amount. And why? So the highest tax rate on the rich can be lowered from 35% to 25%.

So here these people stand caterwauling about the debt ceiling while voting en masse last Friday for a budget (Ryan's) that would take the national debt to galaxies heretofore unseen.


Last edited by Merrill on Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: "The People's Budget" only responsible budget in town
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:43 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
Posts: 5796
Location: Here
Social Security does not add to the debt and the USA has 20 years to make adjustments.

--- Killing Social Security Insurance Is Not An Option. This would add billions to the debt a put the economy at yet a larger risk. ... 11orr.html

--- SSI Not Going Broke. That's right nothing but political rhetoric. ... _20120504/

--- Killing Medicare Insurance is simply not an option. Users are paying. ... y-medicare
-- INSTEAD we improve medicare insurance to reduce the cost of government. Bingo! Physicians for a National Health Program have been researching this concept for several years.

--- We MUST do this Robin Hood tax.....ABSOLUTELY!


Last edited by Merrill on Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: "The People's Budget" only responsible budget in town
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:50 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
Posts: 5796
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Congress has many ways to restart economic growth in the USA of course putting America back to work is the most obvious.

There are a multitude of tools to kick start America...... once again. Instead of stopping government which cuts off OUR tax dollars coming to OUR communities.

--- Stop giving investors a sweetheart deal
Additional revenue: $533 billion over 10 years
Low tax rates on capital gains are the main reason that billionaire investment guru Warren Buffett pays a smaller percentage of his income in taxes than his secretary does. In 2003, Congress capped the rate on capital gains (investment income) at 15 percent—far less than the 35 percent that people pay on their salaries. Tax hawks like to argue that raising the capital gains tax will stifle investment, but that argument isn't supported by the evidence. (Just ask Buffett.) Taxing capital gains as ordinary income—just like the IRS treats the investment gains from your 401(k)—would have the added benefit of undermining "carried interest." That, you may recall, is the ludicrous accounting trick that allows big fund managers (think Mitt Romney) to pass off their management fees as investment income, thereby avoiding the higher tax rates paid by their receptionists and janitors.

--- Quit subsidizing mansions and vacation homes
Additional revenue: $214.6 billion over 10 years
The popular mortgage interest deduction subsidizes home ownership but it also distorts the real estate market and favors the wealthy. That's because people are allowed to deduct interest paid on mortgage debt up to $1.1 million—which in effect means that taxpayers are helping rich Americans pay for mansions and vacation properties. Eliminating the deduction entirely would likely yield the revenue gains listed above, but also make things tougher on middle-class homeowners. For a more palatable alternative, Congress could lower that $1.1 million cap to, say, half a million bucks and limit the deduction to loans on primary residences.

--- End the "step up" giveaway on inherited stocks
Additional revenue: $764 billion over 10 years
Suppose your Aunt Mildred bought stock in Acme Widgets back in 1940 for $10 a share and has watched it appreciate to $100 a share. If she sells it now, she'll pay capital gains taxes on her $90-per-share profit. But if Mildred wills you the stock, you'll miraculously forego taxes on her gains. To put it in accounting terms, Mildred's $10-per-share "cost basis" will instantly "step up" to the stock price on the day you inherit it. So if she dies today, and you later sell your inherited Acme stock at $105, you only pay taxes on $5 per share. But eliminating this massive loophole would throw a wrench in the estate planning of lots of rich and powerful families, so don't get your hopes up. ... scal-cliff

 Post subject: Re: "The People's Budget" only responsible budget in town
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:52 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
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--- Revitalize the "death tax"
Additional revenue: $432 billion over 10 years
If you're old and rich and had the choice, this would be a pretty good year to die. That's because, unless Congress extends its Bush-era cuts to the federal estate tax (foes call it the "death tax"), the levy on inheritances will to revert to its old top rate of 55 percent and the exempt, nontaxable portion will go back to $1 million per individual beneficiary, down from about $5.1 million now. Even so, thanks to special breaks for family farms, businesses, and all but the largest holdings, the estate tax has never affected many households. In 2003, before cuts to the tax began taking effect, only 1.3 percent of deaths resulted in any federal estate-tax liability.

--- Heed America's favorite investment guru
Additional revenue: $171 billion over 10 years
Asking people with taxable earnings of more than $1 million to pay an income tax rate of at least 30 percent, as Buffett proposes, would act as a bulwark against the armies of well-paid accountants and lawyers that aim to punch holes in the tax code. The so-called Buffett Rule wouldn't raise as much money as repealing specific tax breaks that skew toward the top earners, but it would help ensure that their minions can't just concoct a bunch of clever new ways to stiff Uncle Sam—not easily, anyway.

--- Reset back to Clinton-era tax rates for upper incomes
Additional revenue: $442 billion over 10 years
Despite a sharp increase in income inequality in recent decades (see our awesome charts), America's top earners now pay nearly the lowest average tax rate in 50 years. So it doesn't seem like too much to ask them to pay what they did during the Clinton years—remember budget surpluses and a healthy economy? Back then, people paid a top marginal tax rate of 39.6 percent on incomes exceeding $380,000. It's worth emphasizing that marginal rates only apply to what you make in excess of a given income threshold; everything up to that point is taxed at a lower rate.

--- Take agribusiness giants off the federal teat
Additional revenue: $112 billion over 10 years
Contrary to the nonsensical rhetoric we hear from politicians every time Congress reconsiders the farm bill, agricultural subsidies do little to help struggling family farmers. If helping the little guy was the goal, the government could guarantee every full-time farmer a solidly middle-class income for about $4 billion—about half of what farm subsidies now cost us. Instead, the majority of subsidies go to farms with average earnings of $200,000; the biggest welfare recipients tend to be enormous corporate conglomerates that produce huge amounts of nutritionally vapid corn. Eliminating these corporate subsidies has proved politically impossible, however, given that agribusiness has a lock on farm state legislators from both major parties. And we've all witnessed Iowa's outsized role in culling our presidential choices. ... scal-cliff

 Post subject: Re: "The People's Budget" only responsible budget in town
PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:53 pm 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
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--- End oil and gas drilling in Washington, DC
Additional revenue: $158 billion over 10 years
Technological advances in hydraulic fracturing have set off the largest domestic oil boom in decades and minted plenty of new petro-billionaires. And the oil giants were pulling in mind-boggling profits well before the current boom began. In any case, their windfall makes it hard to justify the sweetheart subsidies enjoyed by the oil and gas industry. Among the breaks is the ability to write off almost all expenses nearly immediately, to deduct from their taxable income a flat percentage of revenue on all oil sales (known as "percentage depletion"), and to essentially take foreign tax credits even when they aren't paying taxes abroad. Oil and gas companies also receive federal loan guarantees and qualify for a tax deduction for "domestic manufacturing." The list goes on.

--- Forget cap and trade: Impose a carbon tax instead
Additional revenue: $1.25 trillion over 10 years
Climate change is already a sort of tax on carbon, one we all pay for with extinctions, plagues, wars, droughts, superstorms (hello, Sandy), and rising seas. Taxing carbon emissions, however politically fraught, is more efficient than cap and trade (which California just launched, by the way) as a way to force polluters to cover a portion of the massive environmental and health costs they impose on the public, and give the worst ones a big incentive to clean up their act.

--- Stop giving corporations an excuse to hide profits and send jobs abroad
Additional revenue: $583 billion over 10 years
Americans corporations are allowed to defer paying taxes on the profits of their offshore subsidiaries until that money is transferred back to the parent company. This rule gives companies an incentive to outsource jobs to low-tax jurisdictions abroad and to disguise domestic profits as foreign ones by, for example, transferring intellectual property such as software code to a subsidiary in a foreign tax haven and then paying the subsidiary royalties for the right to use it. Repealing "deferral," as this loophole is called, wouldn't cripple American competitiveness: US companies could still deduct taxes paid abroad from their federal taxable income.

more: ... scal-cliff

 Post subject: Re: "The People's Budget" only responsible budget in town
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:27 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
Posts: 5796
Location: Here
A 2015 -2016 People's Budget proposal NEEDS big-time momentum to get the mainstream attention it deserves. Jobs, stopping the trillion $$$ wars protecting public education and dumping tax dollar
loopholes are among the necessities to change our government

This is the only budget that does everything this country needs:

* Creates good-paying jobs
* Fully maintains our social safety net
* Invests in education
* Ends our costly wars
* Closes the tax loopholes that have made offshoring jobs profitable
* Ends oil and gas subsidies that pollute our country at taxpayer expense
* Creates a national infrastructure investment bank to help us make intelligent investments for the future

This budget represents the future we believe in as Americans, and the CPC really needs our support to keep it on the front burner. Please call your member of Congress, now. The debate and vote on The People's Budget is scheduled to take place early Friday morning.

This is one of those occasions we all hope we'll live to see: We really can make a difference right now if we speak up loudly with one voice.

The People's Budget represents not just common sense; it represents the will of the American people. Click here to take action.

The People's Budget is getting mainstream attention, but it won't hold that attention unless we speak up about how important our values really are. These aren't just words on a page or numbers in a table—these dollars and cents mean lives helped or hurt, people succeeding or falling by the wayside, and families lifted up or dragged down. This is about America.

Please speak up for the America you believe in—take action now! ... d=41361501


Last edited by Merrill on Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: "The People's Budget" only responsible budget in town
PostPosted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 6:28 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:59 am
Posts: 5796
Location: Here
What the Peoples Budget does very specifically: ... ntree=5,70 ... les-budget ... e_with_gop ... les-budget


 Post subject: Re: "The People's Budget" only responsible budget anywhere
PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 8:52 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:38 pm
Posts: 128
I know how to brew very tasty beer.


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